Edinburgh Association of Spiritualists Membership Information
Membership of Edinburgh Association of Spiritualists is open to all those who accept the spiritualist philosophy based on the Seven Principles.
Our annual subscription for membership is £15 (from 1 Jan – 31 Dec) and an application form is obtainable by emailing: info@edinburghspiritualists.com
Those applicants that are accepted into membership become an ‘Associate Member’.
After attending as an ‘Associate Member’ for a period of not less than 6 months you could be invited to ‘Full Member’ status. This invitation is not automatic, or compulsory, and is at the discretion of the Association’s committee. If you accept the invitation you will be asked to attend a short induction session. You will then sign the church roll book and be enrolled as a full member.
Associate membership entitles you to attend our weekly mediumship/awareness classes at a discounted rate. If you attend classes regularly then it can pay for itself within 3 months – every class after that saves you money. It also entitles you to a discount for church run workshops.
Note: These discounts only apply to classes and events run by the church and it does not apply to events run by the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre.
Full membership has all the benefits mentioned above but also allows you to have more say in the running of the church. Full membership allows you to nominate other full members to the committee, to vote and speak at the church AGM.
If you are interested in finding out how to join the Edinburgh Association of Spiritualists, contact our Membership Secretary at info@edinburghspiritualists.com or speak to any committee member for a copy of our membership forms.
Edinburgh Association of Spiritualists is affiliated to the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU). Membership of the church automatically makes you an affiliated member of the SNU but you can opt out of this affiliated membership. Simply tick that option when filling in your membership form.
If you would like to take your interest in Spiritualism further then you can also become an individual subscribing member of the SNU. Such membership entitles you to vote at their Annual General Meetings and provides access to a range of training schemes leading to obtaining recognised qualifications within the movement.
Find out more about the SNU and how to join.
Find other Spiritualist Churches throughout the UK.
Thank you for your interest in our work and we do hope you will consider becoming a member.