Taking your mediumship to the next level


Our seventh principle says; “Eternal progress open to every Human Soul” which means while we are in this physical life we are learning all the time, with every breath and new experience. This is also true of developing all forms of mediumship,

Demonstrating, Speaking and Healing. The SNU Exponents Committee, provides a series of tiered

learning opportunities for all those who wish to develop their mediumistic ambitions and are either an individual member of the SNU or a Full Member of an SNU Church or Centre.

The SNU Exponents Committee, is responsible for administering these training and award programmes and is a new committee formed by the amalgamation of the previously designated Healing Committee and Training & Awards Committees. All the training schemes administered by the Exponents Committee work seamlessly and in conjunction with the educational material produced by the Education Committee.

Initially a basic SNU Accreditation in Mediumship is available through the Platform Accreditation Scheme (PAS) and the Healing Accreditation Scheme (HAS) development programmes. There is also a Church Administration Accreditation Scheme (CAAS)  development programme. Each one of these schemes is designed to help you become SNU Accredited in your choice of subject. Each development programme will give you the knowledge and practical experienee to pursue your ambitions whichever way you work for Spirit. To find out more about these Accreditation

schemes visit the SNU website at: www.snu.org.uk Or email: expo.sec@snu.org.uk

Once you have achieved the basic level of accreditation your eternal progress can continue by taking your knowledge and experience to the next level by studying for one of the SNU Awards available in each Mediumistic discipline. However, to study for these opportunities you must first become an Individual Member of the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU).


It is possible to study for a Certificate in Demonstrating CSNU (d.), Lyceum CSNU (e), Administration CSNU (g), Spiritualist Healing CSNU (h), Private Readings CSNU (r), Public Speaking CSNU (s), and Teaching CSNU (t).

Each learning discipline and SNU educational programme will enhance your knowledge and practical experience giving you the confidence to take your knowledge and impart it to others less aware than you, Again all the details of how to apply for this SNU award Certificate is to be found on the SNU Website at: www.snu.org.uk


Attaining a Certificate is not the end of the learning possibilities only the beginning. The SNU Exponents Committee provides a Diploma level

programme to take you to a new level of Mediumship knowledge and experience. At Diploma level you will be able to work with large public audiences and maybe even be appointed to be a Tutor at the World renowned Arthur Findlay College. As

with the certificate level, Diplomas are awarded in all aspects of Mediumship. You will find all the details of these awards on the SNU Website at www.snu.org.uk Or email: expo.sec@snu.org.uk


For many it is impossible take part in these training programmes in the UK so to make them accessible to everyone the SNU Exponents

Committee supervises online versions of some of these schemes by using the SNUi service: The PAS and CSNU S & D are available online and Healing accreditation can be studied online along with study time in the UK at either the Arthur Findlay College or Barbanell Centre for the Final Assessment Board (FAB). All details can be found online at www.snui.org

Or email: expo.sec@snu.org.uk


The SNU recognises that there are many ways to gain knowledge and experience of Spirituality, which is why there has been created a Long Service Award (LLSNU) that recognises 25 years of service to Spirit and the Religion of Spiritualism. For exceptional dedication there is also a Gold Service Award for 50 years and a Diamond Service Award for 60 year of dedicated service to

Spiritualism. Very special awards for very special Spiritualists. These awards cannot be applied for,

but recipients are nominated by Churches and Branches of the SNU. To find out more about such Awards visit the SNU website at www.snu.org. uk Or email expo.sec@snu.org.uk

On our eternal journey from creation to creator, it is incumbent upon us to grow our eternal self, fulfil the opportunity our seventh principle

highlights and better our spirit and soul in this physical part of life. This will make a difference to our progress in our future Spirit existence. No

matter what our time of life we can always find ways to learn new and exciting things and the SNU Exponents Committee will inspire you to enjoy the experience. The success of Spiritualism depends on all of us helping ourselves and others to be

part of this awareness of eternal life and eternal progress through learning.


Contact the Exponents Committee at:

expo.sec@snu.org.uk or snu@snu.org.uk

Call SNU Head Office on: 01279 816363