Thank you for supporting the church and renewing your membership. If you still haven’t paid then please see the secretary (or any committee member) about paying this years dues (£15).
Do you know how much you save by being a member? You save money on every class and workshop that is run by the church. (Please note that these discounts only apply to Church events and not classes/events run by the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre).
There are two levels of membership. Associated and Full Member. Being a Full Member allows you to voice your opinion at the AGM and also take the next step in being of service to spirit – working on the church committee.
This is your church and it’s good to have a say in how it runs. If you are interested in being part of the committee then please speak to a current committee member.
Every year our full members are entitled to select who will represent them as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and of course Committee Members. Before the AGM all our full members will receive nomination forms. They can select other full members that they feel would represent them on the church committee.
If those members accept their nominations then they are elected to the committee. If there are too many nominations then a vote is taken at the AGM.
The roles of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary require that the nominees are required to have served on the committee for two years. Ordinary committee members just have to have been a full member for a year. Associate members cannot be nominated for the committee.